2:22 – A Ghost Story at Ahmanson Theatre

Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, California



How did you know? Well, the legendary musical 2:22 – A Ghost Story is BACK in stage for fall, 2022 and youll LOVE it! Showing at the favorite venue around, the wonderfully breathtaking Ahmanson Theatre of Los Angeles, California – the perfect spot to make a day of it! Jot down Sunday 20th November 2022 in the calender, you'll be busy singing the hits! So let your hair down in November, it'll be well worth it! Its to simple, Scroll up the page and click the link! Do not miss your chance!

2:22 - A Ghost Story at Ahmanson Theatre

2:22 – A Ghost Story is coming to town on the exciting fall, 2022 US tour! Everyone has it on the tip of their tongue, the best musical of the year, if not all time can be witnessed again! Its watchable for the whole family so why not surprise them all!? 2:22 – A Ghost Story is one of the leading and biggest musicals ever, its legendary, fans come back time after time! This extravaganza in November will be held at the outstanding Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, California – if you have been you'll realise its an unforgettable place to spend the evening! Ahmanson Theatre boasts some pretty good features, and easy parking, fast access and top notch facilities, you'll be totally spoiled! To go to this important night for musicals on Sunday 20th November 2022, get your tickets asap! Simply look above to the 'get tickets' link and CLICK! Don't miss this chance!

2:22 - A Ghost Story at Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 – A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 - A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 - A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 - A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 - A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 - A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre



2:22 - A Ghost Story

Ahmanson Theatre

About the Venue

ahmanson theatre

Ahmanson Theatre

135 N Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90012, United States